The Chapter 3. Control of gas - suspension and coupling with a road
From the engineering point of view, the coupling with a road depends
mainly on suspensions. How the driver can improve suspensions of the
motorcycle? Whether so it is necessary to put on bike the champion fork and
shock-absorbers? Whether the efficient control on factory suspensions is
possible? Also what such "efficient control"?
Actually, the motorcycle is operated perfectly. Not goes from the party
in the party, not "wobbling", does not yaw, is not jerked - in general, he
is stable. The perfect suspensions and competent driver can support bike in
stable state under any road conditions. Efficient control = predicted
coupling with a road. It is no more and not less.
There is nothing worse, than unexpected slip or threat of such slip (unpredictable
coupling). Here that SPI's also take top above the majority of the drivers.
Let's look more dital at suspensions and we shall try to understand as the
driver to achieve their effective work with the help of the handle of gas.
Working range of suspensions
The good suspension differs from poor as by clusters (springs, by
shock-absorbers and them is powerful) and geometrical parameters (angle of
lean of the fork, offset, rule of the engine). The control of gas affects
both components.
The suspensions best work on the average range (in a central third of
course). Both completely oblate, and completely "prolated" suspension badly
watch a road. Sharp inhibition and strong acceleration - ideal examples. At
inhibition hardly boots and languidly reacts to an irregularity of a
route. (the Remark is is the main cause of interlock of a forward sprocket.
The sprocket not "registers" irregularities or does it too slowly). At
strong acceleration is discharged, that results to yaw from the
party in the party and separation. In a central third of course of the
suspension theoretically watch a cloth.
Working range of the racer
The suspensions superimpose limitations on style of driving. The driver
should try to hold suspensions in middle of a course, then the motorcycle
will make remaining activity itself. The rule of gas ¹1 does just that is
necessary. If you add / throttle back, the suspension watches not a road,
and change. To do two business not its activity is simultaneous.
Set-up of suspensions.
The characteristics of suspensions can be customized under a concrete
route and under concrete style of driving. But you will not be saved of the
main problem It becomes simple bike better to correspond to a situation. On
racing motorcycles change behavior of suspensions in limiting modes,
displacing thereby range of their best activity to achieve a scoring at
transit of a concrete circle.
Chatter of a forward sprocket (chatter: chattering of sprockets because
of often loss / recovery of coupling with a road) - good example of
difficulties with set-up. On some bike's shows on low speeds, and the
racer decides, that already has reached a limit of activity of suspensions.
But with increase of speed of transit of a circle chatter suddenly
disappears to be exhibited, when the speed becomes even higher. The
customary motorcycles, as a rule, are set up on some average conditions, for
the best transit of "liked" turns of the driver.
Driver's set-up
The best tool for set-up of suspensions - handle of gas. On any
motorcycle the competent application of the handle of gas allows
theoretically to control weight in turn. Apparently, too strong discovering
displaces of weight back, closing - forward. At weight systems a driver -
motorcycle in 600 pounds, you by mild motion of a right hand throw 150
pounds in front back and on the contrary. Control of gas - key to set-up of
The handle of gas as a suspension component
The racer can permanently set up suspensions and so anything and to not
achieve. Anything will not help to him, if he catches to turn sharply having
throttle backed, waits almost up to the end of a curve, and then ãàçóåò from
all forces, exceeding 10-20 % of an ideal difference in weight. Such style
never will allow the suspension to work in ideal range. Specially it
correctly for simple medium-rate turns on 90 grades requiring from 2 about 3
seconds on their transit. It is possible to see the racers professing style,
described above, often in cells carried with adjustments. They give large
attention to such working ranges of suspensions, which one are almost
inaccessible in rapid motion.
In 1989 John Kosinski has torn as a heater the 250-cc in America, having
established a record of the circle which has standed many of years. He was
recognized to me then, that the contract almost did not tamper with
suspension five rapid motions! Simplly he is skilful to use the handle of
Gas and back suspension
The majority bikers do not perceive a simple thing: the more strongly gas,
the less yielding there is a back suspension, and that mounts more
strongly. Many think, that at acceleration back lowers. It not so. (Simple
check - be rested by a forward sprocket against a wall and on the sly
release coupling by live transmission. Back will mount).
I shall iterate a rule of gas ¹1: as soon as you have begun to add gas,
you should add it uniformly, continuously and permanently down to
termination turn. In it case the rule is theoretically combined with the
nontrivial fact described above. Ideal weight 40/60 not only provides the
best coupling with a road, but also allows suspensions to work in the best
Sharp "gas" does the back suspension rigid and degrades coupling. It is
a problem for the majority of us. However, the best racers have found a way
to pay a situation to themselves on advantage. For 500-cc bike for Grand
prix (and even for good superbike) at reduction coupling the sprocket starts
to be rolled. What do the foreman's? They will use it for escaping turn. The
suspension becomes softer, as the loss of coupling easies back. All same -
but at the other level.
This fancy style looks perfectly, but also the basic approach works. Than
earlier you open gas and the more gentle you add it, the the smaller
acceleration is required to you to reach the necessary outlet velocity from
turn, and that is worked by the back suspension better. The driver receives
predictable coupling with a road. And it works for all styles of driving,
not only for rapid motions.
The insurance from drift
The smoothly varying attachment of gas specially is useful, when the back
sprocket starts . Provided that you not with gas, you can
avoid the greater drift or high side simply having ceased to add gas. Bike
will begin to be slowed down continuously, instead of it is sharply, as at
closing gas, and soft will enter engagement with a road. A main interrupting
in route of competent operating - SPI ¹1.
(The condition of trunks, angle of lean, set-up of suspensions is
apparent, racer are the significant factors. I do not invoke you to believe
me on a word. Observe, as the foreman's struggle with small drifts. Whether
they occlude gas, or you prolong to hear as a motor howls on constants or
even more high speed?)
See at a design of a motorcycle. When back starts drift and you occlude
gas, you displace of weight from a back sprocket. It results in more strong
drift and loads front, often so, that it too starts drift.
One more problem of throttling back
At throttling back both suspensions contract. If you will bar the handle
in middle of turn, your clearance will be diminished both in front, and
behind, and immediately. SPI ¹1 here as here - it is necessary to the driver
to hear, as bike touch on mineral pitch, he occludes gas even more strongly,
bike touch it is stronger, even one sprocket is possible is torn off from a
road. SPI ¹1 hinders again.
What main rule at usage of gas?
As soon as you have begun to add gas, you should add it uniformly,
continuously and permanently down to termination turn. (repeat about itself
1000 or 2000 times).
The majority of standard suspensions can be customized even for rapid
motions. Dear touring is not necessary. And then, specially abruptly to
defeat boys with cool by parts. By and large, touring of the suspension in
themselves will not make you faster. They can be even dangerous in sluggish
turns. Bike, the trunks do not like it. As soon as you have understood a
rule ¹1 and have learned it to apply, as soon as you can achieve
of a back sprocket by smoothly varying attachment of gas,
yours bike begins to be operated theoretically. DG