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The Chapter 6. Control of gas - force
Whether result in a panic too large forces? Too high speed, either
acceleration, or deboosting, too strong centrifugal effort and so on? The
customary values exert nobody. What will be, if you learn to control these
forces on more high level? Whether begin you to go better? The best control
of forces at driving a motorcycle increases a response level SPI's.
It is little bit more, than it is necessary
The uncertainty can call both large value of force, and plenty of forces
which are operational simultaneously. In one of universities have conducted
interesting experiment. A skin of the volunteers simultaneously affected by
a heat (not by such by strong to be burnt), chill (gentle to not freeze) and
electricity (but not by such, that has slamed). All test felt very pain. At
motion you are exposed to a plenty of forces. It is possible to manage each
separately. But what if all of them act simultaneously?
Each has value of speed, at which one he can control all operational
forces and thus to not intercept threshold values for SPI's. That is why
many racers very competently go at speeds about 75 % from the best
achievements and commit many errors at 80 and above percents. A good example
follows below.
In high-velocity turns, chardjing - the most widespread error. The racer
on the approach to turn holds gas full opening, then sharply it occludes or
even, attempting to reset superfluous speed. But at such
style of driving the speed is always dumped too hardly. And as the largest
reserves for improvement of time are in fast-track turns, chardjing becomes
an insuperable barrier.
How to defeat chardjing
- Approach on turn on speed, at which one you itself confidently. Let's
allow, the turn is passed on 6-th to transfer and ardent boys fly up to it
at 13 000 revolutions. Hold on 3000 or even 4000 below. Gas hold by a
- As soon as will turn, open gas, achieving weight 40/60. As the
speed for you is comfortable, you not panic, but bike will behave stable.
- Next time make same, but hold revolutions on some hundreds above.
Depending on a motorcycle, each 1000 revolutions will be given by a velocity
increment 10-15 miles / h on the sixth transmission. Accordingly, 500
revolutions - 5-7,5 miles / h, 100 revolutions -1-1,5 miles / h.
- Repeat step 1-3, yet will not reach a limit of own capabilities or
capabilities bike. You will increase speed without actuation SPI's.
For sluggish turns it is necessary to change training:
- Come nearer to turn at full throttle, but start to throttle back much
earlier, than at chardjing, and do it continuously and uniformly.
- Open sharply gas and here start it continuously to add. Step-by-step
complicate a problem and you refine outcomes by the most secure and controled way.
"Closed loop" on Road America, "roundrobin" on Sears Point, turn ¹9 in
Laguna - only a few examples of successful activity of this method. In most
cases racer perceives, that he never should throttle back completely. Or he
throttle backs, but only on instant to designate a point began of turn. The
brake pass in category of memories. SPI's is defeated by competent activity
with gas and comprehension of needs of a motorcycle.
Be close
In each turn, as soon as to you wants to throttle back or to brake, are
guarded and ask itself - instead of whether I shall reach the best outcomes,
if I shall operate competently gas? Chardjing can deceive SPI ¹1, but he
contradicts a design bike and degrades outcomes.
Rule of gas #2: in turns requiring of a fast input, calculate throttling
back as is careful, as and attachment.
How this rule is combined with a design of suspensions, weight and
coupling with a road?
Estimation of forces
We use set of forces arising at motion of a motorcycle; actually we
estimate our operating on them.
The forces arising at inhibition, boost, turn etc. are very relevant for
driving. We receive from them the information on our operatings. But on an
example chardging we see, as they can us deceive.
Recognition of forces
Many can not carve out sensations from large overload (approximately in 1
G), arising at inhibition or in turn, and from so indispensable for
gentle (0,1-0,2 G) acceleration.
The exact control of gas invokes the least force from everything, which
one act on bike in turn. When your speeds will increase, and you learn to
open gas, you are struck with what is gentle the discovering of gas
in turn influences a motorcycle. Probably, it seems that to watch in turn
mild acceleration, instead of huge speed or centrifugal effort, it is rather
difficult. Probably, you even think, what is it simplly abnormally. Be not
stirred, all is correct. Simplly we speak that it would be desirable bike,
instead of racer.
Forces in activity
In each turn many miscellaneous forces act, and all needs to be watched
them. Deboosting at inhibition, thrust force of the engine, resistance force
of air, force arising at a slope bike, adhesive force and centrifugal effort,
then acceleration, wind drag. As in that experiment, each of them separately
does not create problems, but when two simultaneously act or more...
At driving you deals with forces. The exact control of gas helps to
control them and, besides helps to defeat SPI's. And exact guard ropes of
speed for a going into the turn does life is little bit more lighter both
for you and for bike.
The speed causes to work SPI's, competent control of gas help by them to
Kait 10 years was flapped with me, attempting to learn correctly to use
gas in fast turns. Smoothly varying reset and subsequent so smoothly varying
discovering help to manage many problems - like throttling back and
inhibition. Certainly, firstly it was difficult to me to watch the forces,
operational on me, separately. Now it is much easier also any of them all my
attention does not sidetrack. One more simple, but useful thing - to know
all forces which are slowing down a motorcycle. Each of them can be used
separately, and sometimes and all together. DG