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Main > Manuals > The book about piloting sportbikes > The Chapter 22. Vision -exercises dilating vision

The Chapter 22. Vision - exercises dilating vision

Each of us interfere withed with effect of "ducted" or "fixed" vision. These terms well describe effect, but as a matter of fact are incorrect. Actually to your vision nothing descends, of an eye prolong to see also, as before. Simplly SPI's do not give you to realize all picture bodily. And in it is the relevant difference.

Under the control

The difference in that this effect is not insuperable. He completely is under the control of your brain. The exercises described above, have convinced you, that you can see widely, if do it is interpreted.


To train wide-screen vision it is possible always, for example during walks. Simplly monitor behind, that your attention encompassed broad quadrant. More composite version - boating on a border or rail. In the beginning you will look to yourselves under legs, just so as starting look directly before a sprocket. Force itself to look as it is possible further along a rail or border, noting thus everything, that descends around of you, and keeping the balance. If you run, remark, when your vision will be narrowed down, and then command to him to become wider. Probably, you will confront with some rather interesting things during these exercises.

It will be difficult

Probably, it will be difficult to you to execute these exercises. You will test strange feeling. But it is possible, it will be pleasant, both physically, and psychologic. Actually, if you feel well, your attention extends, and if it is difficult - is narrowed down. Probably therefore people more often fall in emergency, when they are anxious with something. And strangely enough, it is necessary to you to expand your attention, you will feel better.

Practise. Early or late it becomes easier to you to dilate attention. You can apply this skill to many situations, not only to driving. You can defeat SPI's, bound with vision, and it is a hardest problem. DG

Last changes 25.03.2004
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