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Main > Manuals > The book about piloting sportbikes > The Chapter 25. Thrust - for and against

The Chapter 25. Thrust - for and against

What such thrust? How it is better to use it? Can l and she to do much harm? How SPI's hinder you to find a limit of thrust? Whether the knowledge can to help to locate this limit? Probably, all business only in your bravery?

Many rely in this problem on the sensations. However sometimes feelings make us, it results in errors and blasts all your intentions.

New technologies

Modern trunks and the suspensions bring to nothing many errors of driving. The modern motor-cycle races make an indelible impression on those who was rolled in 1957. I am not so courageous to go by engineering of those times how by her went then. The last time I participated in rapid motions in 70, and the capabilities of modern trunks seem to me improbable. I often see the young ardent racers, which one pass turns on huge speed, almost not possessing raning skills.

The racers and thrust

The racers, which one rely only on "feeling" of maximum thrust, commit many errors. It seems, that they go too slowly, if not feel full thrust. It results to following:

  1. Definition of a pathway on "feelings" (too sluggish taxiing)
  2. Early going into turn
  3. Taxiing in turn (the sluggish taxiing on an entrance does a pathway unpredictable, yet driving an apex)
  4. Too strong slope (because of sluggish taxiing and in attempt to load trunks "to experience" them)
  5. Gentle discovering of gas ("to feel" trunks)
  6. Turn of a sprocket on escaping of turn (attempt to grope a limit of coupling with a road, sometimes it is useful)
  7. Constant gang of lower turning points (purpose the ill-defined and sure turn, and maximum thrust)
  8. Too rigid set-up of the suspension (that it is better to feel thrust) Probably, there are also other negative developments of such style of driving. As is correct

Do not understand me, on new gum it is necessary to search for a limit of thrust. It is important to understand, how it to search and as for it then correctly to use. If your purpose - maximum thrust, determines it your style of driving. A pathway, on which one trunk cling from all forces,

Becomes then the best pathway. On the business she at all? Best, at least not in all turns. And in yours 3 skills will be added all eight set forth above errors.

I remember, how Uan Rainy in 1986-1987 years spent a dump of time for strife. He committed then all eight errors in looking ups of maximum thrust. Then he three years (1990-1992) was the champion. Whether so the incorrect skills in this case are harmful? Receives, that no, you see Uan Rainy became the champion. But see on Addy Lowson, he has managed to achieve not smaller, not giving thrust of the special value.

Thrust and SPI's

SPI's, bound with thrust, work basically on a going into turn. We know, that the cause of phobia of a fast entrance is in uncertainty in the capacity to turn bike. If the turn is passed too widely, SPI's work from pavor to lose coupling with a road. Whether it is familiar to you?

In turn you can adjust thrust (and coupling with a road) gas, but at a going into turn all depends only on speed, which one you have reached by inhibition.

Statistics of dips

Actually almost nobody drops from too high speed on an input. Observe rapid motions of years 20-30 and be divided with me by the supervision. My supervision demonstrate, what is it descends very seldom. We do not speak now about a going into turn with simultaneous inhibition, it is a rough and widespread error. The majority of the racers abnormally estimate entrance velocity, and they make an error as a rule in the smaller party, and this most important interrupting in route to legible transit of turns.

Bravery or mind?

The maximum coupling with a road is necessary on a going into turn, though for this purpose the padding bravery can be demanded. Any some considerable improvement of time of a circle is possible to reach by an alone and most dangerous way - by more strong acceleration in middle and on escaping of turn, and it is the most widespread causes of dips.

My advice? Learn confidently to loopin a motorcycle, run in all necessary skills and only then search for limits of thrust. If you will manage to aggregate skills and usage of thrust, you become invincible. Besides the exact skills help to struggle with SPI's, and it easies looking up of limits of thrust.

Definitions of thrust

The thrust is quantity of coupling with a road indispensable for achievement of outcome. You need to decide, whether begin you to go by a limit of thrust or will drive turns fast and legiblly. You begin to beat, when learn to do at that and other.

Some achieve slip of a back sprocket in turn, some - forward. I usually break both and then I regulate thrust on an output. This way seems to me by most fascinating, however business here at all in boldness. You too can so drive turns, if refine the capacity to operate thrust. DG

Last changes 25.03.2004
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